You may not know how much FIGHT is in you until people bring FIGHTS to you.

You may not know how vulnerable you are in the face of TEMPTATIONS until the tempter comes knocking.

You may not know how proud and arrogant you are until power and money come.

You may not know how STINGY and insensitive you are to other people’s plights until you refuse to help the needy in the midst of financial abundance.

You may not know how GREEDY you can be until you have free and unfettered access to cash.

My friends; WE ALL NEED GOD! And we may not know how much we need GOD until TRIALS & TRIBULATIONS come.

GOD, I just need more of you; and more of the REVELATION of who you are.
THAT I MAY KNOW HIM…(Philippians 3:10)



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